9 Apr 2012

If you go down to the woods today...

I've had the most wonderful last few weeks with one of my dearest friends staying with me, all the way from Oz.  We've laughed and talked long into the night catching up on life and each other. The last time I saw Lynnie was almost three years ago now, when life was very different for me. Even thousands of miles away, she will always be my rock.

Of course, it goes without saying that I had to take her walking in my magical woods, to share with her why I love them and this country so much.
I wanted her to feel the resonance I feel when its just me, the dog, the trees and the breeze.

If they could speak (the woods) I imagine they may say something like ....
A young male deer and I met in the woods. 

"Every day is a new routine, and we're never sure who is going to lead the dance that day. When a strong wind sets the pace, we creak and groan in wild abandon to an ever-changing rhythm. 
The strong wind heads off elsewhere, and its time to sigh, and rest as leaves of silence waft to the forest floor. 
In the heat of summer the beat throbs yellow, orange and red through our greens- constant and unrelenting. Nothing moves. 
Its a light breeze that lifts the spirits - ours and those of the forest creatures - as it carries hope and soothing cool on its gentle eddies." 

That's when the magic happens.

You can see it if you look...

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