About Gabi

Writer/Author. Storyteller. Entrepreneur. Thriver and survivor. Woman with dreams. Animal lover.

I live outside London, hike in the English countryside, and regularly wake in the middle of the night, my mind brimming with new ideas.
Writing is like any project - there is a beginning, a middle and an end; you need to tie down the big picture before you can get into the detail; you must ensure all elements fit seamlessly together; and when you finally reach the end, there is an amazing sense of satisfaction. Its a 'feet up on the desk', 'smoke a cigar' kind of moment...

If you know me personally, you'll know I'm a pig lover. Yes, the things that go oink! I was born loving pigs! My earliest memory of them was when my family would go out to the zoo on a Sunday. The only thing I remember as if it was yesterday was finding a large enclosure of wild pigs. It must have been spring because there were lots of piglets. 
I crouched down at the fence and waited. Pigs are naturally curious, so eventually they started coming over to look at this strange person sitting next to their fence. 
Once one found me interesting, they all did. 
They'd come up to me with their twitching noses and poke them through the fence. And that's when I kissed them right between the nostrils! Some got a fright and ran away squealing. But they all came back for more!

For nine and a half years, I shared my life with what was supposed to be a miniature pig. Jasmine grew into a 200kg porker but I loved her nonetheless. 

My latest fascination is social media. The more I learn, the more I want to learn, and the more I realise there is to learn! Its something I've been tinkering with for about two years, but never really got my teeth into. Now, I've jumped in boots and all. Who knows where it will take me...

Places that awe me...
Lake Taupo, North Island, New Zealand
The Surrey Hills
Victoria Falls, Zambia
The Pantheon, Rome

People who make me think...
Mahatma Ghandi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Steve Jobs
Steven Spielberg
Ellen De Generes

Images that stimulate my creativity...
An abandoned staircase
Craggy mountains and a lone tree
A dark alley
That backward glance
Aqua sea as a storm front moves in

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