2 Jul 2012

Get your name on Amazon!

Its been a busy, and interesting time since I self-published Deadly Obsession in January 2012. I've listened, learnt, revised and revised.
I've spent time trawling through 'how to' books and consuming novels from author's that I enjoy, and drilled down into story architecture - I really enjoyed that - and all to improve my skills as a writer.

But there is only so much feedback I can give myself objectively! Either I am too critical or I am too lenient on myself. Bottom line, I need feedback from you, my readers.

I need to know...

  • what you liked?
  • who you liked?
  • which character scared you?
  • did any character inspire you?
  • was the pace constantly moving?
  • was it too fast?
  • did you get enough detail to form your own pictures?
  • did the book reach a climax?
  • were all the loose ends tied up?
  • did the short synopsis draw you in?
  • what didn't you like?
  • did the story make sense?
  • any other comments you may have...
In fact anything you thought about the book would be enormously worthwhile for me to know. Every writer needs reviews/feedback/comments, and whilst sometimes these things are not easy to hear, I am committed to improving as a writer ... so jot down a few lines, post it on Amazon, or send me a short comment on this site. I'd be eternally grateful!!

But first ... read the book! Its Deadly Obsession... its fast-paced, salted with suspense, and peppered with lust. 
And I want YOUR opinion....

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